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Legal Protections for Massachusetts Military Spouses During Divorce


Divorce can be a complex and emotionally challenging process for any couple, but when one or both spouses are in the military, the situation becomes even more intricate. Massachusetts, with its substantial military presence, has established legal protections to ensure that military spouses going through a divorce are treated fairly and their rights are upheld.

Navigating the intricacies of military benefits, deployments, and custody arrangements require a seasoned legal advocate by your side. Leading family law attorney Jay Davis, founder of Davis Law Group, brings a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of military divorce cases. With a proven track record of successfully guiding clients through these challenges, Jay Davis, along with his legal team, is committed to ensuring your rights are protected and your interests are upheld.

Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) and Its Impact

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is a federal law designed to protect the legal rights of active-duty military members. While it primarily focuses on financial and contractual matters, it also provides essential legal protections during a Massachusetts divorce:

  • Stay of Proceedings: The SCRA allows military members to request a temporary stay (postponement) of divorce proceedings if their military service materially affects their ability to participate in the case. This ensures that a military spouse is not unfairly disadvantaged due to deployment or training obligations.
  • Default Judgments: The SCRA mandates that a court cannot enter a default judgment against a military member without first appointing an attorney to represent them if they are unable to appear in court due to military duties.

Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act (USFSPA)

The Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act (USFSPA) is a federal law that grants state courts the authority to divide military retirement pay as part of a divorce settlement. Key aspects include:

  • Eligibility: The USFSPA allows state courts to treat military retirement pay as marital property subject to division if the marriage and the military service overlap by at least ten years.
  • Direct Payments: Courts can issue a direct payment order requiring the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) to send a portion of the military member’s retirement pay directly to the former spouse.
  • 10/10 Rule: If the marriage and military service overlap by 10 years, the DFAS can make direct payments to the former spouse. If the overlap is less than 10 years, the payments must be made through the military member.

Military Service and Custody Considerations in Massachusetts

Military service can impact child custody arrangements in Massachusetts in several ways:

Deployments and Temporary Assignments

Deployments and temporary duty assignments can disrupt regular visitation schedules. Courts may require both parents to create a detailed parenting plan that outlines visitation arrangements during deployments and ensures consistent communication between the deployed parent and the child.


Military personnel often relocate due to assignments. If a custodial parent in the military receives new orders, the court may need to modify the custody arrangement to accommodate the move. This can involve negotiating new visitation schedules and ensuring the child’s best interests are maintained.

Parenting Time

Courts recognize the importance of maintaining a strong parent-child bond. Non-custodial military parents may be granted liberal parenting time during their periods of leave to ensure meaningful and consistent interaction with their child.

Virtual Visitation

Video calls, phone calls, and other virtual communication methods can be integrated into custody arrangements to facilitate contact between the child and the military parent, especially when physical presence is not possible.

Whether you’re dealing with child custody arrangements, division of military pensions, or other complex matters, military divorce lawyer Jay Davis at the Davis Law Group is here to help you secure a fair and just outcome. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a smoother path forward in your military divorce case. Your future and your family’s well-being deserve the dedicated legal representation that we can provide.

Child Support Calculation in Massachusetts Military Divorces

Massachusetts uses a formula known as the “Child Support Guidelines” to determine child support amounts. These guidelines consider various factors, including the income of both parents, the number of children, and specific deductions. Based on this, military income adds a layer of complexity due to its composition:

Base Pay and Allowances

Military pay includes base pay and various allowances such as Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) and Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS). All these components are considered part of the service member’s income for child support calculations.

Differential Pay

Special pay received by service members during deployments or hazardous assignments may also be included in income calculations.

Income Availability

When determining income, courts often consider the availability of military allowances and benefits to the service member. Some allowances, like BAH, may not be considered as income if they are fully used for housing expenses.

Adjustments for Deployment and Service Obligations

Massachusetts courts recognize that military service obligations can impact a service member’s ability to meet child support obligations. In some cases:


If the service member is deployed, courts may adjust child support payments to reflect the temporary change in income during the deployment period.

Income Imputation

In situations where the service member’s income fluctuates due to deployments or other service-related factors, the court may impute income based on historical earnings.

Ready to Chart a Clear Course Through Your Military Divorce in Massachusetts?

Divorce within the military legal landscape can be as complex as a tactical operation. Attorney Jay Davis of Davis Law Group has the skills, experience, and resources to guide you through this challenging time. With a proven record of successful outcomes in divorce and family law cases, Jay Davis is your ally in the fight for fair settlements, robust custody arrangements, and a smooth journey through every twist and turn of military divorce law.

Don’t let uncertainty cloud your path. Enlist the assistance of Jay Davis and his trusted team to protect your rights in your military divorce case. Contact Davis Law Group today at (617) 752-6216 or fill out this online contact form to request your free and confidential consultation with us.

The post Legal Protections for Massachusetts Military Spouses During Divorce first appeared on Davis Law Group.
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